The Roraima Fund

Established: 2000


The Roraima Fund was founded in September 2000 to help catalyse the development of the good governance in Guyana.

The fund operates by identifying and financing local Guyanese projects that are likely to contribute to positive improvements  in governance and the society at large.   They cover areas such as youth initiatives, socio-economic and leadership projects, research and development and new initiatives.

The fund wishes to support suitable projects from across the political spectrum in Guyana.  Our projects page documents the usefulness of the fund’s philosophy and the success it has achieved to date.

The Roraima Fund’s 2011 project cycle achieved some notable successes during which we donated GYD $2.6M to 6 projects.  That 2011 phase of projects is now closed and we are not currently seeking new applications.  We hope to start another project cycle in 2013 at which time a new call for applications will be made.


At some stage poor politics can put a stop to everything and frustrate the growth of a  nation ...

‘Till at length we each of us may show,
what Guyana’s sons and daughters can be”

‘Till at length we each of us may show,

what Guyana’s sons and daughters can be”